Special Blogcast - A Meditation for Singers

In this very special blog cast, I’m going to share a meditation I produced for my course Sing with Soul in Seven Weeks.  It’s called You Are Music and it runs for about 15 minutes.

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Singing can be quite an athletic endeavour, especially if it’s going to be soulful, yet the core of the  desire to sing comes from deep within us.  Indeed, your desire to sing starts in your heart until your head starts to question your abilities and technique.  Making friends with this aspect of human nature is really what I’m all about!  So it’s very interesting to me that athletes at the Olympic level use meditations or visualizations of success as part of their physical performance toolkit. 

There are many benefits visualizations or meditations can bring to you a singer.  Overall, regular practice of meditations or visualizations can help stay relaxed before and between singing sessions or events. Before a performance, this practice can help you more easily achieve the proper mental state needed and increase your level of confidence. After a performance, a meditation practice can help you to detach, to compartmentalize any errors and move past mistakes…to become more resilient after what might be perceived as a ‘bad performance’. 

In this very special blog cast, I’m going to share with you one of the first meditations I produced for my course Sing with Soul in Seven Weeks.  It’s called You Are Music and it runs for about 15 minutes. 

Before you continue further, I’d like to invite you to dedicate some space and time with your headphones on so you can immerse yourself within this safe, quiet space.  Lay back, relax and allow me to guide you through a story, a fantasy, a daydream… that powerfully affirms your right to sound.

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