soul singer assertiveness coaching

Are you afraid you don't have what what it takes to become a great singer? Are you a pro that's lost your mojo? Are you just starting out and you have questions?

let's crush all those barriers & forge an unshakable artistic identity!

"Hi, I'm Veronica! I help emerging and established singers achieve vocal mastery and authentic expression through coaching focused on the development of their unique artistic identity. I’m passionate about helping singers connect with their most soulful voices by guiding them through personalized strategies that align with their unique gifts and artistic vision.

I am the only coach who can help you build your FOUNDATIONS FOR SINGING SUCCESS!

I can also support you in navigating the complexities of the music scene by offering expert advice on critical career decisions such as selecting the right teacher or producer, joining a band or choosing the right repertoire. My extensive strategic management skills and experience as a professional singer will set you up with a rock-solid confidence that will last you a lifetime.

Sessions can be via video call or we can meet in person if you're in the Vancouver area. Let's start the conversation!


Veronica Start is an accomplished singer and independent recording artist who lives in Vancouver, BC. She is a member of the Driftpile Cree Nation in Alberta, Canada and offers a unique, insightful experiential perspective as an intergenerational trauma survivor. These personal challenges propelled her studies in trauma-informed psychology to advance her life, mental health and her vocal career.

“I completely understand what it feels like to be shut down by your environment or how our fears can limit our potential. My goal is to help you understand that - with the right level of knowledge and encouragement - you CAN elevate your dreams to reality and plot a path for singing success!” 

For over 20 years, Veronica supported her artistry as an Executive Assistant to senior leadership in London UK, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver, Canada where she gleaned valuable people skills and strategic management expertise. Veronica's extensive experience in entertainment, media, government, healthcare and finance has enabled her to design a structured coaching methodology delivered with heart, humour, and a no-nonsense style.